Editor and Moustache Lover

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Foxtrot - Crimson (2011)

As a huge fan of 90's alternative, this album immediately appealed to me.

The gritty texture of the release is really pleasant, and though the structure is pretty standard, it is never boring, and I imagine that Foxtrot didn't really intentionally design these tunes with conventions in mind, as influence from Deathcab is pretty glaringly obvious, which I suspect had a large role in the writing of this stuff. But then again, maybe they just sit around and listen to Neil Diamond all day, who by the way, might have some of the shittiest albums out there, amongst the rest of the mediocre crap that isn't the hits.

Unfortunately, the lyrics are so bad, throughout, that any half-boner I might have had when the first song started playing slammed back into my body so hard that I probably have a vagina now. Yup, that's right. Kinda fitting, since these fellas are just insistent on being lazy pussies in writing lyrics. You had me, but now I'm never calling you for a second date, and later you find out that the number I gave you is actually the number for Pizza Hut, and you tried to flirt with the person who answered and totally embarrassed yourself when you found out you'd been duped. Yeah, you were TOTALLY embarrassed and humiliated, you bastards.

The second tune, as if in defiance of the strong showing from the dudes on guitars and drums, is full of really stupidly trite and easy lyrics, which are too insincere to continue taking any song on the album seriously, in regards to the integrity of the content.

The third song, which I stopped listening to half way through, is so fucking boring that I feel sorry for anyone who has sat through it live, though I would wager that everybody but the youth group that these dudes are apparently members of are outside smoking cigarettes during the majority of the set, possibly saying something about how the scene was waaay better when blah blah blah.

This is boring, despite its potential, which is even worse than just plain boring, since it pisses me off that it could have been good.


Pussy music right here.

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